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About Cincinnati Warbirds

Membership in the Cincinnati Warbirds EAA Squadron 18 is open to anyone with an interest in military aviation, and who is a current member of the EAA Experimental Aircraft Association Warbirds of America.

The club organizes and sponsors numerous events including displays and flights in historic military aircraft to support their operation, events and scholarships to honor and support veterans, educational excursions to aviation museums and airshows, warbird restoration projects, and educational and social functions of interest to patriotic military aviation supporters. We also provide support for our members who own and operate restored warbird aircraft.

We get together on the first Monday evening of the month for dinner and a meeting. Meetings often include interesting lectures by military pilots, veterans, flight instructors, or other notable authorities in the field of aviation. Dues are currently $50/year plus membership in EAA. Junior memberships are available for anyone under 21 years of age for $25/year.